Outdoor Gear Sales

Get the gear to have fun outside!
Do you love hiking, camping, kayaking, walking your dog, or just walking around the neighborhood? We have fun outdoor accessories to complement your outdoor adventures!
*Note: We are in the process of adding many items to our website. Items shown as in stock should be accurate, but not guaranteed. Representation of items below does not show our full inventory. Please call or stop by with questions.
Featured Brands:

Goodr Sunglasses
If you know, you know - Goodr's are an awesome biking, hiking, paddling, cross-fitting accessory and we keep a large variety of in stock! Goodr's are all about "no slip, no bounce, all polarized, all fun."
*It's nearly impossible for us to keep the inventory up-to-date on our website, so please stop by to see our current selection!

We have a lot of love for our canine pals, and we carry Ruffwear adventure gear to complement outdoor adventures. Keep your dogs cool, safe, hydrated, and entertained with gear from Ruffwear.
*Our Ruffwear inventory is not yet integrated with the website. Please stop by or call to check on item availability.